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Abdul Moiz
Professional WordPress Developer
Skilled in React JS
Progressing Towards MERN
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Author: Abdul Moiz

How to customize a wordpress theme?
December 28, 2023 / Uncategorized
How to customize a WordPress Theme?

Introduction Customizing your WordPress theme is like unlocking your online space’s magic. To begin with, let’s take a quick look…

How to choose the right wordpress theme?
December 26, 2023 / wordpress, A Beginner's Guide
How to Choose the Right WordPress Theme?

Introduction: In the ever evolving digital world, the choice of a WordPress theme plays a vital role in shaping the…

A comprehensive guide for understanding wordpress dashboard
December 24, 2023 / wordpress, A Beginner's Guide
A Comprehensive Guide For Understanding WordPress Dashboard

Introduction In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any professional. A well-designed…

A comprehensive guide to wordpress for beginners
A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress for Beginners

As the internet continues to grow as a significant force in our world, it becomes essential to show online activities.One…